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看着Betty无名指上的蓝宝石钻戒,让我联想起 Dr. Gary Chapman在The Five Love Languages第6章中提到的“爱的语言之三--收到礼物”中的段落。我把这几段英文原文录下,与Betty和David共享,也将这几段文字送给我远在多伦多的儿子Henry,期盼听到他给未婚妻送婚戒的好消息,同时祝愿天下所有有情人终成眷属。



A gift is something you can hold in your hand and say, “Look, he was thinking of me,” or, “She remembered me.”You must be thinking of someone to give him a gift. The gift itself is a symbol of that thought. It does not matter whether it costs money. What is important is that you thought of him. And it is not the thought implanted only in the mind that counts, but the thought expressed in actually securing the gift and giving it as the expression of love.



Gifts are visual symbols of love. Most wedding ceremonies include the giving and receiving of rings. The person performing the ceremony says, “These rings are outward and visiable signs of an inward and spiritual bond that units your two hearts in love that has no end.” That is not meaningless rhetoric. It is verbalizing a significant truth --- symbols have emotional value.


          If your spouse’s primary love language is receiving gifts

                you can become a proficient gift giver.

          In fact, it is one of the easiest love languages to learn.



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