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Battery power backup system for your sewer pump and sump pump

(Vansky Copyright)
发布时间: 2015-09-09, 13:14
联系人 联系人: Yu / Joh
邮箱 邮箱   : aaronyu2002@hotmail.com
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电话 电话   : 6048686096


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We help you plan and install battery power backup system for your sewer pump and sump pump. 

Compare stand-by generator run by fuel and gas, battery power system is more suitable for pump system, less maintenance, long protection hours, fully automatically and low cost

Overall Total Price/Cost: $1700 Start

Planning: $300 start, normally 25% of material cost

Equipment Purchase: 
Option A: you can do it by yourself with my detail purchase list from planning
Option B: We can do the purchase for you with 20% handling charge

Option A: you can do it by yourself with our detail planning and instruction
Option B: Our licensed electrician do it for you with a charge of about 40% of material cost or an hourly rate of $75. 

Before call me, please have the following information ready
Site Location:
Sewer pump / Sump Pump or both, single or alternative system
Pump information: such as current, power. . ..
Basically information about power line routing to help us understand where to place the system




Vansky Copyright

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Yu / Joh



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