温哥华生意买卖 地产经纪 赵信德 Frank Chen 天空视频 女神的衣橱

溫哥華時裝周徵求志工/志願者 - 化妝師, 髮型師, 後台工作人員

(Vansky Copyright)
发布时间: 2016-08-11, 00:21
联系人 联系人: Jane
邮箱 邮箱   : jane@vanfashionweek.com
微信 微信   :
电话 电话   : 7788611215


地址 地址   : SUITE 707-938 HOWE STREET  

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Vancouver Fashion Week is recruiting volunteers for the upcoming season that will be held at the Chinese Cultural Center of Greater Vancouver from September 19-25, 2016. With the addition of the Vancouver Kids Fashion Show, this season is going to be like nothing you have seen before!

We are currently looking for Backstage Volunteers, Hair Stylists and Makeup Artists! If you are interested in one of these positions, please fill out the corresponding form:

For Backstage Volunteers: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1SiBK6pXPdNIRfkcwDUNGmfGIuZiI3FRd0GTyzKWgm2w/

For Makeup Artists: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1GoIws9DPAZa4DX4U3Or82LnfcDQrpKjztdVQvG-UAiw/edit?usp=drive_web

For Hair Stylists: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1PLkoCl9qtyGgsNHmxwN33BQT7aOddVV-KCGJlqlw66s/edit?usp=drive_web

The deadline for all the forms is the 26th of August. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!

We look forward to working with our local community to create an amazing Spring/Summer 2017 fashion week event.



Vansky Copyright

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