温哥华生意买卖 地产经纪 赵信德 Frank Chen 天空视频 女神的衣橱


(Vansky Copyright)
更新时间: 2019-07-03, 18:42
联系人 联系人: 店長
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Richmond 甜品店 誠徵工作人员:吧台服務人员数名 厨房员工数名.上班時間2pm -12am 分早班和晚班 歡迎暑假無計劃回國 可以上夜班的學生,須有責任感,勤勞 ,提供培訓 .長工 需講流利英文 會聽國語 薪優糧準 工作環境好 無壓力( 無小費 ) 須有工卡 另請廚房幫工有意者 請電郵簡歷 ivancheng2010@gmail.com 或者在11am-2 pm 直接致電店长:7788557233 其他时间不方便接听电话 Dessert store in Richmond hiring : We are looking for people who are available to work from 2pm - 12am,it will be day and night shift. We welcome students who have no vacation plans during the summer and can work until late at night, who are responsible and hardworking. Training will be provided. Short or long term commitment are both okay. You must be fluent in English and be able to understand Mandarin Chinese. Pay will be given in a timely manner, the working environment is good, and there is no pressure to get sales (no tips from customers). You must have a work permit . If interested, please email your resume to ivancheng2010@gmail.com. You can also call 778 855 7233 from 11am to 2pm only. Phone calls will not be received at any other time





Vansky Copyright

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