温哥华生意买卖 地产经纪 赵信德 Frank Chen 天空视频 女神的衣橱


(Vansky Copyright)
更新时间: 2024-04-24, 08:53
联系人 联系人: Donna
邮箱 邮箱   : donnadinh2@gmail.com
微信 微信   :
电话 电话   : 7788837219


地址 地址   : Renfrew and 1st Ave  


星期二和星期四的早上8:00自下午1:00,Renfrew 和 1st Ave. (PNE 区域)。 我们有两个孩子(16 个月和2 岁10 个月大)上全天的日托班, 我先生在家里的办公室办公。我们主要需要阿姨帮忙做饭和打扫卫生,但孩子如果生病没去日托班,阿姨也要照顾孩子。 须在离开前将晚餐准备好,家里打理好。 $25/小时。 我们不懂中文,需要可以英语沟通的阿姨。 有带小孩和做饭的经验 , 注重细节。
请联系:Donna, 778-883-7219
Hiring help for Tuesdays and Thursdays 8am-1pm on Renfrew and first ave. By PNE area. My two kids are in full time daycare (16 month old, and 2 year 10month old). My husband works from home in his home office. We mainly need cooking and cleaning help but also child care when they get sick and can't go to daycare. Dinner needs to be prepared and the place ready to go before leaving. $25/an hour. Must speak English. Has experience with young kids. Has experience cooking. Attention to detail. 
Please contact: Donna, 778-883-7219



Vansky Copyright

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