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#35 知名马来西亚餐厅转让$688000

(Vansky Copyright)
更新时间: 2024-01-02, 12:57
联系人 联系人: Max Chiu
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电话 电话   : 6046493188


地址 地址   : 230-3700 North Fraser Way  

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*仅限预约看店,请勿打扰工作人员* 绝佳机会!知名马来西亚餐厅转让!位于Fraser Street繁忙区域,人流量大。临街店铺,曝光率高。周围环绕居民区、商店,超市及各种餐馆,确保持续的客流。2800平方英尺,温馨宜人的用餐空间。配备商业厨房,设备齐全,酒牌营业至午夜。每周营业6天。拥有忠实客户群体。 请联系代理经纪Max了解更多消息。

*Showing by appointment only. Please do not disturb staff* Great Opportunity! Well-Known Malaysia Restaurant for sale! Located in the upcoming high foot traffic area of Fraser Street. With its street level storefront offering excellent exposure and visibility from a bustling road. Surrounded by residential neighborhoods and thriving shops, ensuring a constant flow of traffic. Lots of food traffic. 2800sqft. Well established with full commercial kitchen. Warm inviting dining space. Liquor License operating till midnight. Open 6 days a week during busy hour. Please contact the listing agent for more information.

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Vansky Copyright

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Max Chiu



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